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Site is very slow today??
Published 04/11/2015 @ 01:08:48, By Neon
I had the same problem yesterday around 0:00 although it was down just for several minutes... But also an hour ago I was unable to load properly the pages then slowly become impossible to open any page; this time instead, the fail was rather long (about 30/40 minutes)

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Site is very slow today??
Published 04/11/2015 @ 01:29:51, By dsl
Yes - I again had the same sluggish behaviour as Neon at about the same time (with the forum and non-imcdb pages working fine). Tried something different this time and closed my browser for a couple of minutes, re-opened it and things were fine. No idea if it solved it or timing was a coincidence.
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Site is very slow today??
Published 08/11/2015 @ 11:21:01, By antp
I'll try upgrading MySQL, that my solve some problems (either if they fix things in the new versions, or due to new options allowing to limit query execution time)
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Site is very slow today??
Published 08/11/2015 @ 12:23:48, By Gag Halfrunt
Is this meant to happen?

Warning: mysql_connect(): Access denied for user 'imcdb'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in /home/www/imcdb/config_connection.php on line 22 Error in database request - Access denied for user 'imcdb'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
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Site is very slow today??
Published 08/11/2015 @ 12:55:38, By antp
Yes that's while I was upgrading MySQL/MariaDB.
Now it should work again (still in read-only).
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Site is very slow today??
Published 08/11/2015 @ 13:02:12, By antp
Now you should be able to login again to make change, all should work, so please report any unusual behaviour or error message.
Also, I enabled an option to limit to 10 seconds database queries (usually they are executed in a few milliseconds, or 1 or 2 seconds in the worse case), I hope it should fix the slowdown/lockup problems that happened from time to time (but still to often).
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Site is very slow today??
Published 08/11/2015 @ 13:43:43, By I-Denev
I have often problems now with some full page ads that I get by browsing IMCDB.
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Site is very slow today??
Published 08/11/2015 @ 13:56:22, By antp
ad problems should rather be reported on
(if possible with details like screenshots and/or ad URLs)
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Site is very slow today??
Published 18/02/2016 @ 07:07:59, By night cub
Site seems slow tonight when making edits.
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Site is very slow today??
Published 18/02/2016 @ 08:54:55, By antp
it seems to have encountered a slowdown at that time indeed, but still without real reason :ohwell:
(except potentially the old phpbb2 forum of my own site, which I should replace by a newer version)
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Site is very slow today??
Published 28/02/2016 @ 23:45:33, By Neon
Site was off (impossible to open any page) some minutes ago 28/02 23:35 circa
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Site is very slow today??
Published 28/02/2016 @ 23:47:09, By antp
Some time ago I changed something that seemed to help (or at least less often people reported problems), I had to change it again for doing an update on the database, but maybe I'll put it back as it was a few weeks ago then, if it worked better.
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Site is very slow today??
Published 29/02/2016 @ 00:07:36, By chicomarx
I don't see the "site is locked because back-up is in progress" messages anymore antp? (Or maybe I just missed them)
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Site is very slow today??
Published 29/02/2016 @ 09:06:19, By antp
Since long time now I do not lock anymore changes when doing the backup :wink:
I was doing that so all pics are exactly corresponding to the database backup. Now at each backup I do manually I take the nightly backup and copy the pics in the day, so in case I need to recover from it there may be a few pics too many or replacements missing (those made in the day of the backup), but not a big deal, as it is a "worse case situation" anyway.
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Site is very slow today??
Published 29/02/2016 @ 17:32:25, By chicomarx
D'accord. I knew things were under control.
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Site is very slow today??
Published 03/04/2016 @ 22:08:56, By night cub
Is it me or is the site really slow today? (It could be me, we had strong winds last night here, but editing it taking forever)
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Site is very slow today??
Published 03/04/2016 @ 22:15:16, By Sandie
Fine here.
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Site is very slow today??
Published 24/07/2016 @ 00:37:03, By Baube
The forum or the site itself? Both are completely separated
Anyway, better to discuss that on for example

The forum ( just read my other comment and realized i forgot to specify.. ). I saw in another topic that you are aware of the problem so there is not really a need to discuss it..

i mention it bcause i thought that the forum's bug and the Charger one were related ( maybe they are, maybe not, maybe maybe.. )

Latest Edition: 24/07/2016 @ 00:37:34
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Site is very slow today??
Published 24/07/2016 @ 09:27:07, By antp
For the forum, is it only in the past few days, or since longer?

I saw in another topic that you are aware of the problem so there is not really a need to discuss it..

I'm not aware of a current problem (*) so what you saw was maybe something else, mostly not related

(*) except that in average once a day the site - not the forum - may be unavailable for one minute, still something I have to solve

Latest Edition: 24/07/2016 @ 09:31:07
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Site is very slow today??
Published 24/07/2016 @ 13:28:50, By Baube
for the forum, only past few days ( never experienced that ' minute of silence ' from the main site )

what i meant by saying that you are aware of the forum's problem :

Maybe you are aware of that server problem only but not the effect of it

Latest Edition: 24/07/2016 @ 20:43:37
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Site is very slow today??
Published 24/07/2016 @ 20:42:43, By antp
Ah ok, I didn't know it was a reference to that :wink: (and it was posted in the private section, so I prefer not having it here in public, just in case of, I edited your post)
Well anyway we'll see, it should be better in the next days - to be followed.

Latest Edition: 24/07/2016 @ 20:44:19
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