Old contributions (archive) » [done] Opel Commodore & American sedan (Mardi Gras.bb: Psychoflute, 2000)
[done] Opel Commodore & American sedan (Mardi Gras.bb: Psychoflute, 2000)
Published 04/07/2014 @ 03:09:02, By Pruden
Hi, glad to be contributing for the first time of many to this page.
A few days ago I stumbled accross this great German big band, the Mardi Gras.bb, and I have since loved their video for 'Psychoflute' (2000), which features prominently (4 stars) what I think is an Opel Commodore, maybe even from the GS/E variant.
Check the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iM4Re79wV-U
Notice the close-ups...
...the engine...
...and the dashboard at the beginning:
Door detail:
Only clear picture of the front:
The most complete picture of the car:
Close up of the back:
Side view:
There is also some American police car. I would say it's not fake because it has black tape on it as if to render its markings meaningless. 3 stars.
Latest Edition: 02/08/2014 @ 13:42:48

A few days ago I stumbled accross this great German big band, the Mardi Gras.bb, and I have since loved their video for 'Psychoflute' (2000), which features prominently (4 stars) what I think is an Opel Commodore, maybe even from the GS/E variant.
Check the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iM4Re79wV-U
Notice the close-ups...

...the engine...

...and the dashboard at the beginning:

Door detail:

Only clear picture of the front:

The most complete picture of the car:

Close up of the back:

Side view:

There is also some American police car. I would say it's not fake because it has black tape on it as if to render its markings meaningless. 3 stars.



Latest Edition: 02/08/2014 @ 13:42:48
Opel Commodore & American sedan (Mardi Gras.bb: Psychoflute, 2000)
Published 05/07/2014 @ 14:37:05, By dsl
Definitely a Commodore GS, but I don't think GS/E which I think had alloys instead of Rostyle type wheels.
Opel Commodore & American sedan (Mardi Gras.bb: Psychoflute, 2000)
Published 05/07/2014 @ 16:17:28, By Ans
That cop car is a 1979 Chevrolet Caprice.
Latest Edition: 05/07/2014 @ 16:19:49
Latest Edition: 05/07/2014 @ 16:19:49
Opel Commodore & American sedan (Mardi Gras.bb: Psychoflute, 2000)
Published 02/08/2014 @ 13:42:12, By walter.
Now you can add the extra pictures in comments if you want.
Now you can add the extra pictures in comments if you want.