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[done] Replacement images for Our Man in Marrakesh
Published 12/08/2014 @ 06:43:10, By 62imperial
1964 Fiat 1500, four stars (note there are two used interchangeably as the same car, plus a possible third one that gets burned)

1964 Chevrolet Impala, four stars (a possible stand-in appears briefly at one point, with different wheel covers)

1958 Chevrolet Viking, three stars (again, used interchangeably with the 1955 Chevy Series 4100 truck during a chase scene; the '58 is wrecked)

The program I'm using will give me no larger than a 640-pixel-wide image; hope these are OK - I've just finished adding all the other vehicles.

Latest Edition: 21/08/2014 @ 13:47:23
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Replacement images for Our Man in Marrakesh
Published 12/08/2014 @ 10:38:23, By antp
I made a mistake, I uploaded the '64 Impala pic on the '62 Impala page, losing then your pic for that one - can you repost it?
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Replacement images for Our Man in Marrakesh
Published 12/08/2014 @ 10:41:35, By antp
And if I understood correctly, all these three cars each have stunt doubles?
In such case, the rating should be rather "distributed" than duplicated, e.g. for 4-star role "played" by two cars, it may become two 3-star roles.
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Replacement images for Our Man in Marrakesh
Published 12/08/2014 @ 12:57:10, By 62imperial
Re-added the '62 Impala.
I'd give the two Fiats and the two Chevy trucks each three stars because they have pretty much equal screen time. The '64 Impala has a double with different wheelcovers, but very briefly - it may only be in two shots and I only found one image where it really shows. The '62 in the crash scene stands out more so I gave it its own listing.
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Replacement images for Our Man in Marrakesh
Published 12/08/2014 @ 16:52:23, By antp
Usually we list only one car per role, the additional page for the double is when the model difference is noticeable. So for the Chevy truck and the Fiat it seems acceptable (I guess for the Impala too), but not for a wheelcovers difference anyway :wink:
Case like the latter one can be mentioned in comments.

Latest Edition: 12/08/2014 @ 16:52:38
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Replacement images for Our Man in Marrakesh
Published 13/08/2014 @ 05:24:19, By 62imperial
antp, do you want me to add new listings to exchange these three photos for the old main photos, or will you do that?
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Replacement images for Our Man in Marrakesh
Published 13/08/2014 @ 10:07:45, By antp
What do you mean? :confused:
I replaced them yesterday when I posted my previous comments; if you still see the old pics just click "Refresh" or press F5 on these pages.
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Replacement images for Our Man in Marrakesh
Published 13/08/2014 @ 13:48:25, By 62imperial
Aha! Now they're good - thanks! :dawa:
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