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Published 20/03/2015 @ 13:53:55, By antp
Why isn't antp on the list?

Oh yes, antp!

Well done Lateef, I was thinking "be careful, do not post here, you are still unnoticed"...

Sir Admin likes Peugeots, so maybe a 1007?

Not that crap, thank you :tongue:
Either the 106/206SW/208 for those I had, or a Saab if you wish (a classic 900 is probably easier to draw)

@Gamer > using imcdb's picture upload for the forum is not a good idea: the pic will disappear next time I run the cleaning script (only pics actually used on the site are kept).
You should rather use imgur or another similar image hosting.

Latest Edition: 20/03/2015 @ 13:56:25

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IMCDb comic
Published 20/03/2015 @ 15:03:03, By Lateef
Well done Lateef, I was thinking "be careful, do not post here, you are still unnoticed"...

You're welcome! :ddr555:
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IMCDb comic
Published 20/03/2015 @ 17:27:18, By chicomarx
There can't be two Saab 900s, antp, you're too late.
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IMCDb comic
Published 20/03/2015 @ 17:47:08, By cl82
@Gamer: Nicely done!
@dsl: I didn`t see this coming, but it seems like we`re both part of the Chrysler UK works-team now.

Latest Edition: 21/03/2015 @ 00:31:30
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Published 20/03/2015 @ 19:02:39, By dsl
@cl82: welcome aboard. Onwards and upwards!
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Published 20/03/2015 @ 20:35:22, By ingo
Very great, Gamer! My own drawn is very bad, in the Kindergarten-league...

A former cl82-car was a 86C-Polo - nearly that faceless than the actual dsl-car in real life (o.k., this is unbeatable about facelessness).

John-from-Staffs has a classic Rolls - a good item to fight against the facelessness.
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IMCDb comic
Published 21/03/2015 @ 03:26:30, By cl82
@ingo: Let`s not forget the bunch of faceless Fiestas I also had. As far as JFS is concerned: Doesn`t he rather have a ca. 1952 Bentley R-Type instead? He`d probably explode if he knew that you called his car a "Roller" (AFAIK he despises this expression, too :666: ).

Latest Edition: 11/06/2015 @ 20:01:15
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IMCDb comic
Published 10/06/2015 @ 21:34:47, By Gamer
Now if only they'd employ me for drawing cartoons...then users might start saying "The drawn is not bad..."
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