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Chevrolet Express/GMC Savana (GMT601) Platform Information
Published 11/05/2015 @ 13:50:38, By rjluna2
I wanted to start here for a good visual reference for these model years:

2014 GMC Savana 2500 Cargo Van:

This one has been verified by the VIN information that I have read off from the windscreen here.

Please feel free to add necessary information for this reference information here.

Latest Edition: 11/05/2015 @ 13:51:44
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Chevrolet Express/GMC Savana (GMT601) Platform Information
Published 15/09/2015 @ 14:57:59, By rjluna2
I found an interesting information in regarding to Chevrolet Savana sold in Israel market :think:

I don't know if this also applies to other countries as well :think:

While I was surfing at Wikimedia Commons page, I found this:

I did a bit research and found in Wikipedia:

Comments are most welcome here :smile:
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Chevrolet Express/GMC Savana (GMT601) Platform Information
Published 11/11/2015 @ 21:41:03, By rjluna2
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Chevrolet Express/GMC Savana (GMT601) Platform Information
Published 05/12/2015 @ 07:25:29, By Ddey65
The Palestinians use them too.

I also remember them being used in the 1990's when Hamas was wrecking the peace process promised by the Oslo accords.
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Chevrolet Express/GMC Savana (GMT601) Platform Information
Published 05/12/2015 @ 16:40:27, By eLMeR
rjluna2 was speaking of the renaming made for the van in a specific country, and was politically neutral (as long as one can be when speaking of this part of the world :smile: ).
So what's the purpose of this post and picture, Ddey65? Comparing the relative merits of common people throwing stones with soldiers shooting at them using live ammunition? Or speaking about accords that one of the concerned states (and then the only official one) already trampled a lot of time?

I don't support extremism, so I'm all but supporting Hamas. But unilateral and oriented information is as dangerous as weapons, in my world...
The choice of your pic is dubious. With only a little willpower, I'm sure you may have found pictures showing a Chevrolet Savana in a market with smiling Palestinian people around or... another van near Palestinians blocked by the wall that separate their land in two parts?

Off-topic response to an off-topic post. Please focus on vehicles, Ddey65, this is not a political forum.

Latest Edition: 05/12/2015 @ 16:49:05
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Chevrolet Express/GMC Savana (GMT601) Platform Information
Published 29/06/2019 @ 22:30:11, By rjluna2
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Chevrolet Express/GMC Savana (GMT601) Platform Information
Published 22/07/2019 @ 21:50:17, By dhill_cb7
@rjluna2 any concrete details on the Stabilitrak badge that seems to appear and disappear throughout this generation?
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Chevrolet Express/GMC Savana (GMT601) Platform Information
Published 24/07/2019 @ 01:47:49, By rjluna2
I'm not sure, dhill_cb7 :think:

I have not often collected Chevrolet Express brochure as I have been :ohwell:
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Chevrolet Express/GMC Savana (GMT601) Platform Information
Published 29/07/2019 @ 14:07:13, By Truck_Guy
@rjluna2 any concrete details on the Stabilitrak badge that seems to appear and disappear throughout this generation?

Stabilitrak was added and became standard equipment on passenger vans for 2004.
By looking through new and used car listings online, it appears GM removed the badge for the 2017 model year on both cargo and passenger vans.

At some point, GM added a Stabilitrak badge to the front doors of commercial cutaway models, and it appears that badge is still in place as of 2019.
File: badge.jpg ( 49.4 KB - 692 )
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