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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 04/12/2015 @ 11:43:40, By Exiv96
Anyone ? It's just to check on one plate. I've retried with Firefox, IE and Chrome, and still the same result, or lack of result.

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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 04/12/2015 @ 15:02:34, By Sandie
Plate doesn't come up on there.
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 04/12/2015 @ 19:15:04, By eLMeR
Lack of result or unusable display? Because the result is... that there is no result for this plate. Fake one?
File: AY85AW.jpg ( 33.7 KB - 1551 )
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 06/12/2015 @ 12:42:08, By Exiv96
Maybe. Thanks for trying !
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 24/12/2015 @ 11:46:48, By Gamer
It's been a while, but I've finally found a new site: Kazakhstan!

Hinted by I-Denev, though I don't know what the starting page would look like, you'll have to start from my link. :wink:
You need to enter the number without spaces.

Latest Edition: 24/12/2015 @ 12:52:56
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 25/12/2015 @ 20:57:42, By Gamer
Vietnam, though it does not provide much info aside from the make, weight, VIN (?) and dimensions:

But in my opinion, only the Kazakh site should be added to the links...

Latest Edition: 25/12/2015 @ 21:16:27
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 27/01/2016 @ 13:15:34, By Gamer
After almost two years of searching I finally found it: Russia!

Before checking a plate, you need to select the oblast. It runs on the same engine as the Kazakh site, but is a bit harder to use...I at first managed to crib results only by searching alphabetically, but then I got it. After selecting your oblast, you type the plate in this format: "lowercase letter-three numbers-two lowercase letters."

I hope it's not too much of a hassle for you to quickly switch to a Cyrillic keyboard...
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 26/02/2016 @ 17:27:05, By atom
The link to the Icelandic site needs to be updated. Here is the new link:
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 27/02/2016 @ 00:44:13, By antp
Thanks, that's not the first time they change the address of their site...
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 13/08/2016 @ 00:46:36, By Exiv96
A friend of mine gave me the address of another site for chilean plates :

It's quite easy to use : just enter the plate number without hyphens, and the capcha.
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 14/08/2016 @ 13:28:40, By antp
Thanks, added
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 16/11/2016 @ 10:31:08, By atom
Site for Åland license plates:

From the dropdown list; Bil = Car.

Registernummer = License plate
Personlig skylt = Personalized plate
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 16/11/2016 @ 14:27:46, By Exiv96
The New South Wales plates check site has been revamped, with a new address :
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 16/11/2016 @ 18:03:14, By antp
Thanks, links added/updated
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 16/11/2016 @ 18:25:36, By Gamer
So the Åland Islands are now handed over to Argentina, per the description? :grin:
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 16/11/2016 @ 19:53:45, By antp
Oops, the problem of copy-pasting without proofreading :whistle:
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 21/11/2016 @ 11:24:50, By Exiv96
It looks like someone has found a site for italian plates. Maybe we can update the link list.
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 21/11/2016 @ 11:33:36, By antp
:confused: what's the link?
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 22/11/2016 @ 11:24:43, By Exiv96
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 22/11/2016 @ 11:36:14, By Neon
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 22/11/2016 @ 19:23:58, By Gamer
...and what we also don't have, or at least I don't, is the authorization to consult the page...
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