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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 15/12/2017 @ 09:35:13, By antp

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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 15/12/2017 @ 11:02:18, By Gamer
Though we don't have any current Ecuador plates that we might be able to check...
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 02/01/2018 @ 11:23:08, By Gamer
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 11/02/2018 @ 11:33:28, By antp
dead links:
(though that one of these two last ones worked when I tested it a few days ago)
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 17/02/2018 @ 02:11:36, By Exiv96 Colombia:

How does it work ? From what I understand, it's an insurance comparator asking me to create a profile first.

Latest Edition: 17/02/2018 @ 02:11:57
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 17/02/2018 @ 10:47:42, By Gamer
Click on 'Cotiza gratis'
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 28/05/2018 @ 23:14:15, By Exiv96
Here's what that colombian site says now :

The Amazon CloudFront distribution is configured to block access from your country.

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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 10/07/2018 @ 14:28:28, By atom
There seems to be a new link to the Norwegian site:øretøyopplysninger

Latest Edition: 10/07/2018 @ 14:29:20
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 10/07/2018 @ 14:35:56, By antp
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 14/11/2018 @ 00:46:15, By Exiv96
After almost two years of searching I finally found it: Russia!

That one is gone. The address links to a fake japanese business site.
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 14/11/2018 @ 12:03:06, By Gamer
Here is the correct link:
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 14/11/2018 @ 21:20:05, By antp
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 21/11/2018 @ 23:36:49, By Exiv96
I know it's not listed, but the italian site has slightly changed its address. I now includes a "dot gov". ice.htm
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 23/11/2018 @ 10:36:48, By antp
Should I add it to the list?
Or was there a reason not to do so?
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 24/11/2018 @ 15:36:05, By Exiv96
Here's the discussion :

Basically, that site doesn't show brand or model, but the engine capacity and HP. But with a quick search for "1242 cc" (as example), you can determine if the data matches the car.
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 24/11/2018 @ 20:33:24, By antp
It says I'm not allowed to that discussion :grin: (private message ?)
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 23/12/2018 @ 01:49:11, By chicomarx
?? You posted on it before, antp. You weren't logged in as admin I guess.
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 23/12/2018 @ 01:54:33, By chicomarx
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 24/12/2018 @ 09:56:45, By antp
I see: it is a link to kelcommunity but I use the forum via opencommunity, so indeed I wasn't logged in there (different domain, so different cookie for the session/login).

Interesting link for BE plates, but the year returned is for the model and not the car itself; for my 2014 208 it returns 2012.
Easier to use, but unlike the S.A. site it does not provide the chassis information.

Latest Edition: 24/12/2018 @ 09:58:55
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 25/12/2018 @ 18:22:06, By chicomarx
That is true, it's the model year. The date of first registration and VIN appears at the end, if you fill in everything. In that case they'll not only send an email but a ready to sign contract by post.
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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 31/01/2019 @ 02:29:07, By night cub
I tried using the site on the links page for France, and it tells me that I can't reach that page. Tried looking it up as well and got nothing. Is the site down, is there a new one, do I need to disguise my IP?
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