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Site/Ad Issues
Published 13/05/2021 @ 00:24:11, By night cub
Site is super slow right now. 17:25 EST-US

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Site/Ad Issues
Published 20/05/2021 @ 21:45:22, By night cub
We're in the mid-afternoon crawl right now. It's 15:46 EDT-US here, so it's nighttime in Europe. About the same time most days.
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 21/05/2021 @ 07:22:57, By antp
I guess it is when there is a peak of visits :ohwell:
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 23/05/2021 @ 14:47:54, By UKboy205
I have this site issue i hate the most & it happened yesterday, everytime i post a PNG image whenever i provide cars, this pops up
:necris: :halalala:
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 23/05/2021 @ 15:36:30, By Lateef
Just check the automatic resize box and it shouldn’t be a problem.
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 23/05/2021 @ 15:48:42, By UKboy205
Just check the automatic resize box and it shouldn’t be a problem.
That's how you do it? i'm so sorry, i did not know it was a new rule uptdate that the administers added :sad:
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 23/05/2021 @ 15:54:56, By Lateef
It’s always been there.
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 02/06/2021 @ 06:44:33, By night cub
Site seems really slow right now, which is unusual for this time of day. Trying to add an episode and each step is taking forever to load. 23:47 - EST-US
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 07/06/2021 @ 19:39:41, By J.E
How do I seach for an specific model?

Example: BMW 750iL E38?

I type 750iL [E38] in the search bar and I get nothing.
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 07/06/2021 @ 22:55:52, By night cub
Unfortunately, you can search for model name or chassis code, but not both. I see JB was trying to show you on another thread to use the year range instead of chassis code.
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 08/06/2021 @ 21:28:48, By night cub
We're in the mid-afternoon crawl again. 14:21 EST-US

So slow it caused double and triple posts:

Latest Edition: 08/06/2021 @ 21:36:56
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 09/06/2021 @ 03:38:38, By night cub
6 hours later and the site is still super slow
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 16/06/2021 @ 13:22:12, By Jnglmpera
Submitting photos and editing is very slow right now. 20:14 JST (11:14 GMT)
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 20/06/2021 @ 00:41:48, By night cub
Yikes, things are slow. But this may be trans-Atlantic issues, as both main board and forum are slow to load. 17:34 EST-US.
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 20/06/2021 @ 00:43:34, By dsl
I'm getting big slowness too.
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 26/06/2021 @ 00:27:31, By Baube
here is Baube with the traffic report : " Well, its currently 6:20 PM here, and the traffic is very slow, pretty much bumper to bumper .. back to the studio " ..

is it similar for others too ?

Even to access the forum, was way faster by browser history than clicking on the link on the main site

even got this twice already ( everything works fine elsewhere )
File: Sans titreer.jpg ( 61.2 KB - 862 )

Latest Edition: 26/06/2021 @ 00:35:57
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 01/07/2021 @ 09:09:03, By night cub
Middle of the night here and the site is super slow. Tying to validate things, it's taking forever for every edit. 2.02am EST-US
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 21/07/2021 @ 17:50:17, By rjluna2
Seems that the ad pops up at the bottom of the forum here :confused:
File: bottomad.jpg ( 59.3 KB - 802 )
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 22/07/2021 @ 14:06:16, By antp
Strange, I never had that on the forum. Just the one in the middle of the screen from time to time (first link clicked in the session, or something like that)
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 05/08/2021 @ 10:23:20, By night cub
Not sure what you did to the homepage, I'm guessing you didn't mean to delete most of it:

Latest Edition: 05/08/2021 @ 10:23:41
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 05/08/2021 @ 10:59:05, By antp
Indeed, I removed the Facebook "Like" button on vehicle pages since it was not so useful anymore (disabled for many cases due to the privacy/cookie rules), kept it on the main page but forgot something... thanks for the notification :wink:
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