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Italics & bold
Published 21/10/2017 @ 13:05:41, By the sad biker
When entering a comment on a vehicle, it shows up in plain type, is there any way of changing this to italics or bold?

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Italics & bold
Published 21/10/2017 @ 15:23:07, By dsl
Not sure why you're asking, as the same system should apply as you've used to highlight the words "italics" and "bold" in your question - it works happily for me.

Just in case there's some sort of wibble going on, try finding someone else's comment which has italics or bold text, open it up as a quote and check how they've done it. (As an admin, you could post the quote to see it sitting on the page, and then quickly delete it before anyone spots it ....)
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Italics & bold
Published 21/10/2017 @ 15:54:43, By Gamer
Use [ i ] / [ / i ] and [ b ] / [ / b ] (without spaces)
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Italics & bold
Published 21/10/2017 @ 16:32:46, By the sad biker
dsl - there's no toolbar visible to select any options.

Gamer - don't understand your reply, this is for the site, not the forum.
File: Screenshot (2).png ( 170.2 KB - 645 )

Latest Edition: 21/10/2017 @ 16:51:11
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Italics & bold
Published 21/10/2017 @ 16:51:12, By Gamer
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Italics & bold
Published 21/10/2017 @ 16:55:10, By the sad biker
Sussed it, thanks.
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Italics & bold
Published 21/10/2017 @ 18:02:42, By antp
Syntaxe is similar on the site and the forum (like most of the forums actually), but indeed I never added a toolbar on the site...
(there is one in the neverending next version)
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Italics & bold
Published 03/11/2017 @ 04:27:51, By eLMeR
@the sad biker: see this page for all formatting codes available in the main site.
You can also use this really basic editor as draft editor... or the post interface of this forum (but all generated code won't work in the main site)

@antp: will it be a BBCode editor or something like tinyMCE, for the NextGen? I used this latter on several sites, it's really a good tool, easy to integrate and to personalize.
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Italics & bold
Published 03/11/2017 @ 09:13:16, By antp
I don't really like these wysiwyg editors for sites, I was often annoyed when using them (well, I'm used to bbcode...)
We kept it simple like the current site, but with a toolbar for all the tags + a more integrated smiley & picture upload: when the file is sent, the code is added in the message rather than having to copy/paste from another window :wink:

Latest Edition: 03/11/2017 @ 09:13:48
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