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Make screenshots
Published 09/07/2006 @ 17:51:06, By garco

Yesterday I wanted to make some screenshots for this site.
I thought is was very easy, press 'pause' in the movie, 'printscreen' and then some powerpoint work. But when I save the picture, it's black. I guess it's some security on the DVD. How can I provide pictures to this site?
Can I download some programs or something?
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Make screenshots
Published 09/07/2006 @ 19:02:30, By antp
It is not a security, but it is due to the overlay: the picture of the video is added separately by the video card, windows does not daw it itself on the screen for performance reasons.
Some DVD player program can do screen captures, check if in the menus you find something about that.
Else you can use Media Player Classic to play the DVD, as it has a "File" -> "Save Image" command. The only downside with this one is that the picture saved from a DVD does not have correct ratio, so it has to be resized to the appropriate height depending on the DVD (1.33, 1.66, 1.85 or 2.35)
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Make screenshots
Published 09/07/2006 @ 19:05:42, By garco
OK thanks. I have no DVD-play-program on my PC, but I use Media Player Classic. So that will do.
And how do I send the pictures to the site?
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Make screenshots
Published 09/07/2006 @ 19:10:42, By antp
You can either send them to me by e-mail, zipped together. Or post them on and then post the links obtained - "thumbnail for forum (1)" - in a new topic on the forum.
First solution is faster for sending, but second one allows to give info about each car when inseting the link code in your message.
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Make screenshots
Published 10/07/2006 @ 12:31:06, By garco
To wich adress can I send the pictures?
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Make screenshots
Published 10/07/2006 @ 12:48:41, By antp
contact @
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Make screenshots
Published 10/07/2006 @ 12:55:15, By garco
OK thanks.
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Make screenshots
Published 10/07/2006 @ 15:08:30, By garco

I have made some screenshots of all cars in Keeping up appearences season 1.
I have ordered them by episode.
Do you wish them in that structure of can I just sent all the pictures at once?

Latest Edition: 10/07/2006 @ 16:58:16
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Make screenshots
Published 10/07/2006 @ 17:24:47, By antp
You can make one zip file per season or per episode, which one is the easiest for you.
It is easier if the file name contains episode number + vehicle name, but if it is organized in folders for episodes it is good too.
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