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What do you think about a WhatsApp-group?
Published 14/10/2018 @ 21:28:36, By ingo
The several WhatsApp-groups, I'm a member of (K 70, licence plates, colleagues, party comrades, doggie fellows, etc.), made me think, it may be interesing for some of us, to share our spotted cars on this way.

I"m not at facebook (and I wont), my Imagechack-account is screwed, and I take my photos mainly with my smartphone and not with my camera, plus thinking about the effort to upload pics here, so maybe WhatsApp would be a practical alternative.

What do you think?
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What do you think about a WhatsApp-group?
Published 14/10/2018 @ 21:57:37, By Mystery Man
I think that´s a good idea, because it´s somehow more direct and personal. Do you still have to find enough members ...
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What do you think about a WhatsApp-group?
Published 14/10/2018 @ 22:59:50, By dsl
Not for me - I'm still a couple of centuries behind the technology, and regard all anti-social media apps and devices as the devil's work.

But anything which reinforces the imcdb family should be A Good Thing, so if there's interest - go for it!!
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What do you think about a WhatsApp-group?
Published 14/10/2018 @ 23:49:30, By Gamer
I switched to Telegram, but an IMCDb-WA-group would bait me back instantly.
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What do you think about a WhatsApp-group?
Published 14/10/2018 @ 23:58:29, By ingo
Yesterday, on the
I thought sometimes, that it would have been better for some IMCDb-ists, if I would have had their mobile numbers with WhatsApp.

In the old pre-smartphone times I really have used my mobile phone mainly for this topic, callimg or SMS-ing fellows, when I spotted stuff, which maybe could interested for them.

@dsl: my thinking about the (anti)social medias is the same as yours, but WhatsApp is indeed helpful (and cheaper than SMS or calls).
So you have to to wait for deciding, if the goodie, I've bought yesterday, is interesting for you, until the next IMCDb user meeting in Scotland.
If cl82 is also interested, he would come first.

Latest Edition: 15/10/2018 @ 00:15:51
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What do you think about a WhatsApp-group?
Published 15/10/2018 @ 12:59:57, By dsl
... until the next IMCDb user meeting in Scotland.

Any plans??
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What do you think about a WhatsApp-group?
Published 15/10/2018 @ 16:14:54, By ingo

Any plans??

Actually not, but my wife is so annoyed about her job situation, that despite the Brexit-uncertainty she may go to Scotland anyways. Not for real emigration, just for a longer residence in a rented location.
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What do you think about a WhatsApp-group?
Published 05/12/2018 @ 00:03:24, By chicomarx
K70 for sale, ingo:
Apparently of Dutch provenance.

Latest Edition: 05/12/2018 @ 00:56:27
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What do you think about a WhatsApp-group?
Published 05/12/2018 @ 20:25:20, By ingo
Thanks! :beer:
I have informed my fellows, if someone may know this car.

Thy prices for K 70ies didn't increase that much as for other cars from the early 70ies, but I have to learn, that they are different than in the 90ies.
Back then I have bought such a K 70 in similar condition for 150 D-Mark (75€), annother for 500 D-Mark [250€)
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What do you think about a WhatsApp-group?
Published 07/12/2018 @ 06:35:49, By chicomarx
That was the old car phase, now it's a classic car. :smile:
You could probably get it for 500 euros lower anyway, at least... There aren't that many K70 collectors. In my case, for the '90 Saab, I paid 1500 euros less than what he was asking.
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