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Cars & Movies » Falcon Crest # 154 <6.27>
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Falcon Crest # 154 <6.27>
Published 15/03/2020 @ 20:10:45, By TJP
In a scene from episode 6.27 of "Falcon Crest", the background seen through the white Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud was added via blue screen. This background is borrowed footage from another production I'm trying to identify.

Since all other options, such as the attempt to identify the exact road in question (somewhere around the Mont-Blanc in France) failed, my idea is to identify the vintage vehicles in the background and then do some cross-referencing or a reverse search on IMCDB, hoping to find the production where the shots originated from.

Does anyone have any idea which makes and models these are?

Screen grabs are available here: There's one black and one gray car.

Thanks for taking a look.
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Falcon Crest # 154 <6.27>
Published 15/03/2020 @ 22:32:22, By night cub
You can put them in the comments for that title. Background cars seen through car windows are not usually accepted.
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Falcon Crest # 154 <6.27>
Published 15/03/2020 @ 23:44:08, By TJP
Thanks, it's in the comments section for "Falcon Crest" now.
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