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Show me your Picture Cars
Published 16/07/2021 @ 23:34:08, By rockzilla77
Love to see your picture cars folks, i'll start... Mine is Cyrus' 1979 C3 Corvette from the Trailer Park Boys
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Show me your Picture Cars
Published 18/07/2021 @ 13:32:03, By UKboy205
That's only for General Discussions, not just General since General is something to do in the original site, but that's only for General Discussions, anyways, our current car is a 2006 Mercedes-Benz B 170 SE CVT, it's a used car, & also i don't drive that Mercedes, my parents do
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Show me your Picture Cars
Published 06/11/2021 @ 01:48:18, By Caboverlover
Here is mine. It is a 1994 Solectria Force, which is a Geo Metro converted to electric by the Solectria Corporation of Wilmington, Massachusetts. Approximately 400 Metros were converted.
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Show me your Picture Cars
Published 06/11/2021 @ 03:30:51, By Baube
nice... :smile:

what's the milleage range ?
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Show me your Picture Cars
Published 06/11/2021 @ 04:21:41, By Caboverlover
It has a 70 mile range if I remember correctly. It still has it's original cassette tape player too :smile:

Latest Edition: 06/11/2021 @ 04:31:50
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Show me your Picture Cars
Published 06/11/2021 @ 17:13:17, By Baube
good... in average it covers pretty much how we use a car on a daily basis

Tape cassette... believe me or not i kind of miss that feature..

there is a guy who imported a 1999 one here

he says it cost him 9,500 $ ( CDN ) for the whole thing ( car, custom fees, transportation, etc ) back in 2013

( sorry, both the video and the text are in french )
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Show me your Picture Cars
Published 06/11/2021 @ 20:57:27, By Caboverlover
Funnily enough both of my parents actually had Geo Metros back in the 1990's. Later on though, my Mom bought a black 1996 Geo Prizm which I rode in a couple of times. So I guess Geo has been a part of the family for a long time :smile:

Latest Edition: 06/11/2021 @ 20:59:50
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