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Suggestion for uploading pictures
Published 25/07/2006 @ 23:01:23, By DIEHARD
I know it is a huge effort, but have you have considered making a batch to upload pictures or to add cars? I will save you a lot of trouble manually uploading pictures and names of cars all the time.
Of course it can be provided with an 'approve' function, so that it is you who decides if the pictures/cars are really going to be added or not.
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Suggestion for uploading pictures
Published 25/07/2006 @ 23:25:04, By antp
Actually what takes time is resizing/compressing pictures.
In other cases, when people submit pictures already properly encoded, I give them admin rights when they send me too often pictures.
By the way, you could get admin rights... I am just a little afraid of the number of background cars that you would add :whistle:
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Suggestion for uploading pictures
Published 26/07/2006 @ 08:13:05, By DIEHARD
Sure, I would like to be an admin. And about the background cars, I will try to be crictical about which to add, but that isn't always easy, there are so many great cars :smile:

But to reply to the topic, there are lots of site which have functionality for resizing pictures, perhaps you can use an existing tool (if the use is free of course)...?

Latest Edition: 26/07/2006 @ 08:15:11
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Suggestion for uploading pictures
Published 26/07/2006 @ 09:41:52, By antp
In PHP there is the "gd" library that allows such things if I am correct, so I could use that, yes.
It is on my to-do list since some time, I should take the time to do it.

For the admin thing, contact me by e-mail on contact @ :wink:
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Suggestion for uploading pictures
Published 26/07/2006 @ 20:12:31, By DIEHARD
But still another thing. If you give the specification to what ratio (or dimensions) and format the pictures should be, you can automatically check this when people upload images, therefor no resizeing is needed. Still have to deal with the compressing then...
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Suggestion for uploading pictures
Published 26/07/2006 @ 20:17:12, By antp
Unfortunately the ratio cannot be guessed automatically, as it depends on the movie (1.33 for TV 4/3, 1.66 for lots of recent series, 1.85 for not very old and some French movies, and 2.35 for recent movies)
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Suggestion for uploading pictures
Published 30/07/2006 @ 00:54:33, By DIEHARD
I just wanted to say that I think you have done a great job with the way the uploading of pictures for admins is engineerd, it works very smoothly
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Suggestion for uploading pictures
Published 30/07/2006 @ 01:37:41, By antp
Thanks :smile:
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