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Wrong Identification
Published 03/12/2021 @ 13:00:49, By gazontruck5
I have recently noticed some entries of ZiL 130 trucks that are classified as "ZiL-130 with 131 hood". These listings are wrong. These are not ZiL 130 trucks but trucks produced by Amur (Ural Automotive Plant) under the Amur-531350 (Амур-531350) name, so they should be re-listed. Production started in 1986 and ended in 2011.

They were basically modernized ZiL 130 trucks, with the cab from the ZiL-131 truck.

So these all should be re-listed: 0&make=zil&modelMatch=0&model=131&modelInclExtra=on&origin=&madein=&madefor=&role=-
File: autowp.ru_amur_ur_531350_1.jpg ( 44.9 KB - 474 )
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Wrong Identification
Published 04/12/2021 @ 03:16:00, By night cub
The Wikipedia listing says that name was used from 2002 on:

1987 to 2012 - ZIL-130 (from 2002 known as the AMUR-531350) Amour's 531350 utilizes the cab of the 531340
1987 to 2012 - ZIL-131 (from 2002 known as the AMUR-531340)

Latest Edition: 04/12/2021 @ 03:16:28
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