Cars & Movies » Where is this music video filmed?
Where is this music video filmed?
Published 08/12/2023 @ 16:37:44, By MisterZ
Sources say that this video was filmed in Los Angeles, it's got a Chevy Caprice in it, but at 00:17 - 00:18 we see a Fiat Ducato van which looks to be RHD, see here:
Also at the end of the video at 3:03 there look to be some Victorian terrace houses in the background.
Is this the UK? The singer's Australian.
Latest Edition: 08/12/2023 @ 19:04:52
Also at the end of the video at 3:03 there look to be some Victorian terrace houses in the background.
Is this the UK? The singer's Australian.
Latest Edition: 08/12/2023 @ 19:04:52
Where is this music video filmed?
Published 08/12/2023 @ 18:52:31, By Sandie
Isn't that the Blackwall Tunnel with the Fiat Ducato?
Where is this music video filmed?
Published 11/12/2023 @ 11:58:58, By ingo
I'd say Britain. The sign at 0:30, the houses at 1:55 and the road stripes az 3:00 are looking British.
Where is this music video filmed?
Published 11/12/2023 @ 15:54:44, By Jnglmpera
Also the plate the Caprice is wearing looks like one of those non-standard British plates used by British car guys driving USDM cars to give their regs a more American feel (and to fit in the plate holder)... However I do not see any results for a "PNY 325" or "PNY 32S" on DVLA.
Where is this music video filmed?
Published 11/12/2023 @ 18:06:26, By Sandie
Where is this music video filmed?
Published 11/12/2023 @ 19:41:23, By antp
Did the wall color change at some point after its creation? Or was it just badly named?