Misc » Worst car names?
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Worst car names?
Published 05/02/2007 @ 12:16:48, By G-MANN
You say that like its a bad thing. Give me a damn burger w/ extra fries, or a pizza w/ extra cheese, and thats the best I could want. Now my parents are into all that fancy crap (going to high-class restaurants and getting a most expensive thing on the menu), but not me. Its for old and/or rich people who have nothing better to do, and think they are too good to eat at McDonalds or Arby's. Don't work for me, as my favorite eateries are fast-food joints and diners. I suppose you prefer a 'proper restaurant' to a pizza? Geeze.. Some people have no taste.

Actually about the food thing I guess it depends who's paying

Alright, I guess most of us love burgers and pizzas, but reading Fast Food Nation and watching Super-Size Me (apparentely fast food causes liver damage!) had kind of put me off going to places like McDonalds, and the burgers they serve there are really pretty shit, so they must be putting something in them that keeps people eating them. Oh well, when I was a little kid like you I thought McDonalds was the best thing as well.
Latest Edition: 05/02/2007 @ 12:23:08
Worst car names?
Published 05/02/2007 @ 12:31:45, By G-MANN
And I add that if a car has poor fuel economy, its better then a car that has good fuel economy.
Right. You see when you come out with statements like that, you immediately lose the arguement because other people think you're a stupid kid and stop listening to you.
Worst car names?
Published 05/02/2007 @ 14:03:58, By Donington
That's because he..is.
Meanwhile, I'm contemplating doing this the next time im in the states!
Meanwhile, I'm contemplating doing this the next time im in the states!
Worst car names?
Published 05/02/2007 @ 14:23:08, By G-MANN
It's official, the Tempo is THE car to get if you're filming in America and you need something to wreck.
Worst car names?
Published 05/02/2007 @ 18:45:50, By dwd4X4
Ah, you people don't get it. A car with good fuel economy, sucks. Because name ONE CAR THAT HAS 45MPG+ THAT CAN GO OVER 100MPH. Every frigging economy piece of crap car can't do anything, period, except barely move people in a city. When I hear someone saying things like "[insert pos car here] Gets 50MPG!", it means that the said car is ugly, imported, plastic, small, weak and so slow, it makes walking look far, far more attractive mode of transportation. Get it?
Qwerty, be careful when you say a Ford Panther car is not as economical as a SUV. Obviously you've not heard or seen a Escape Hybrid.
My Mom is like that, hating McDonalds and reading all this crap on how it kills you. I watched Super-Size-Me with her, and later that day, walked to Burger King and got the biggest order their.
Qwerty, be careful when you say a Ford Panther car is not as economical as a SUV. Obviously you've not heard or seen a Escape Hybrid.
My Mom is like that, hating McDonalds and reading all this crap on how it kills you. I watched Super-Size-Me with her, and later that day, walked to Burger King and got the biggest order their.
Worst car names?
Published 05/02/2007 @ 18:49:59, By Donington
No I don't get it, because you DON'T!!!!111oneleven!!!!!!
Also, how appropriate that the guy who owns that car is called Dumb?
And don't go insulting the guy who posted that video, it's off a radio show.
Latest Edition: 05/02/2007 @ 18:56:54
Also, how appropriate that the guy who owns that car is called Dumb?
And don't go insulting the guy who posted that video, it's off a radio show.
Latest Edition: 05/02/2007 @ 18:56:54
Worst car names?
Published 05/02/2007 @ 19:37:23, By Raul1983
This "bigger is bitter" attitude is one reason why we read news about global warming. There will not be a return to a muscle car era. From this day on cars are getting smaller and smaller. Better get your mind adjusted because in 20-30 years of time everyone will drive small or mid-sized economical cars.
Worst car names?
Published 05/02/2007 @ 20:45:19, By Donington
Actually I guess I'm being a hypocrite as probably the best car I've owned is a Rover 3500s, which had the engine out of a Buick, but proper ride and handling. I also have a love for Jensen FF's and Gordon Keebles, which are much the same thing.
Although Yank cars tend to be very hit and miss. The Transam handled suprisingly well, but I rented a Bonneville many years later and it was easily the worst car I've ever driven.
Although Yank cars tend to be very hit and miss. The Transam handled suprisingly well, but I rented a Bonneville many years later and it was easily the worst car I've ever driven.
Worst car names?
Published 05/02/2007 @ 21:12:44, By dwd4X4
Donington, isn't that the same with like every country's car? I am sure that Europe has had at least 1 bad car.
And why was the Bonneville bad? What year was it? I know a guy who has a 2003, and its great.

Worst car names?
Published 05/02/2007 @ 22:08:13, By Donington
It's was a early nineties one. It was just really bad, although maybe I was expecting a bit much from Pontiac. It just didn't go into corners at all, but it wasn't even that fast. I'm sure they've improved since then!
Still, nowhere near as bad as some of the absolute junk Austin Rover made!
Still, nowhere near as bad as some of the absolute junk Austin Rover made!
Worst car names?
Published 05/02/2007 @ 22:12:03, By dwd4X4
Yea, that makes sense. 1990s, especially the early and mid 90s, were bad for just about every American brand with the 1 exception of Ford.
Yes, don't judge Pontiac on a 90's Bonneville. Thats hardly a true Pontiac, its just another GM rebadge piece of crap, it was not even a Pontiac, it was an Oldsmobile/Buick. Worst year for the Pontiac Bonneville..
The newer Bonnevilles, Grand Prix' and Grand Ams are great, and the old 1950s-1970s are great. Best modern Pontiac (in my opinion) was the Bonneville.
Yes, don't judge Pontiac on a 90's Bonneville. Thats hardly a true Pontiac, its just another GM rebadge piece of crap, it was not even a Pontiac, it was an Oldsmobile/Buick. Worst year for the Pontiac Bonneville..
The newer Bonnevilles, Grand Prix' and Grand Ams are great, and the old 1950s-1970s are great. Best modern Pontiac (in my opinion) was the Bonneville.
Worst car names?
Published 05/02/2007 @ 22:13:11, By dwd4X4
It's was a early nineties one. It was just really bad, although maybe I was expecting a bit much from Pontiac. It just didn't go into corners at all, but it wasn't even that fast. I'm sure they've improved since then!
Still, nowhere near as bad as some of the absolute junk Austin Rover made!
Still, nowhere near as bad as some of the absolute junk Austin Rover made!
And Bonneville is more of a luxury sedan, not meant for speed. It was advertised in its last year (2005) as "America's Ultimate Grand Touring Sedan". Sort of a sporty full-size luxury sedan.
Worst car names?
Published 06/02/2007 @ 02:12:50, By Hecubus
Ah, you people don't get it. A car with good fuel economy, sucks. Because name ONE CAR THAT HAS 45MPG+ THAT CAN GO OVER 100MPH.
VW Golf/Jetta TDI. Does 115.
And if you can free yourself from a simplistic standard, you might just find there are plenty of fun cars that get good fuel economy.
Worst car names?
Published 06/02/2007 @ 02:25:47, By dwd4X4
LOL! 115? HA! My Mom's minivan does that! My Tempo does that! My Dad's truck does that! My cousin's 20 year old Chevy does that! I do not know anyone with an American car that is that slow.
Worst car names?
Published 06/02/2007 @ 05:24:10, By Hecubus
You know, it might do you some good to work on your reading comprehension, start paying attention to whatever you're looking at, instead of relying on anecdotal evidence, and the occational miscontrued statistic. Right now, I have a reasonably recent issue of Car and Driver in front of me, and they've got several American cars that can't top 115, including the V6 Mustang, the Buick Terraza (your mom's van with a little extra power), and everyone's favourite monstrosity, the H2 (which can't even top the 100mph mark you originally set).
Hell, I spent quite a bit of time driving several Chevettes that couldn't top 100kph (since you're not going to look it up, that's 60mph in metric).
Just do us all a favour, admit you have an irrational love for American cars, don't try and rationalize it, and don't try and tell us we're wrong. An irrational love is fine (no one would drive British cars otherwise), but know the difference between fact and opinion (and don't bend facts to suit your opinion, just because major news networks do it, doesn't mean you should).
Hell, I spent quite a bit of time driving several Chevettes that couldn't top 100kph (since you're not going to look it up, that's 60mph in metric).
Just do us all a favour, admit you have an irrational love for American cars, don't try and rationalize it, and don't try and tell us we're wrong. An irrational love is fine (no one would drive British cars otherwise), but know the difference between fact and opinion (and don't bend facts to suit your opinion, just because major news networks do it, doesn't mean you should).
Worst car names?
Published 06/02/2007 @ 06:42:03, By dwd4X4
I hope you don't base your opinions on American cars by driving the (Japanese/European inspired) Chevette.
Worst car names?
Published 06/02/2007 @ 07:30:12, By qwerty_86
The Escape is a Contour in disguise (which is *gasp* European based!). It's not even a true SUV. It's just a Contour that was beaten with an ugly stick.
Latest Edition: 06/02/2007 @ 07:31:28
Latest Edition: 06/02/2007 @ 07:31:28
Worst car names?
Published 06/02/2007 @ 17:46:33, By dwd4X4
lol, the Contour is long gone.
And random, but Ford is bringing back the Taurus!
And random, but Ford is bringing back the Taurus!
Worst car names?
Published 06/02/2007 @ 19:42:44, By wrenchhead
An irrational love is fine (no one would drive British cars otherwise)
From an MG owner: No truer words were ever spoken

Worst car names?
Published 22/07/2007 @ 00:52:28, By G-MANN
I always thought Seat was a stupid name for a car. I know it's pronounced "Say-At" but it's still spelt the way as the other word for chair. And then there's the Seat Arosa, which is a real dodgy name. Seat Arouser, sounds like something you'd buy in a sex shop.