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Site/Ad Issues
Published 17/11/2024 @ 09:41:29, By antp
I had the same issue on the forum (in Firefox) so it is not browser-related, and unrelated to the title issue anyway. Maybe a temporary issue on the forum itself, which I don't manage anyway, if the issue continues in the next hours I'll notify the owner of the forum.
For the site however I'm curious on what causes that.

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Site/Ad Issues
Published 17/11/2024 @ 14:31:36, By antp
Problem seems fixed, I found the issue in page that Andyhao sent me
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 18/11/2024 @ 16:10:58, By antp
The forum issue seems fixed
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 24/11/2024 @ 21:59:05, By PMEntertainmentLives
:confused: what glitch? That's not a bug, that's a feature: if a user deletes a comment other than the last one of the page, an empty entry stays.
Otherwise sometimes people seem to talk alone or a reply can be mis-interpreted because it does not apply any more to the same post as intended.

If the deleted comment was really useless and does not cause problem for the rest of the page, admins can delete them for good (I do that sometimes when noticing deleted comments).

AHHHH... now, I understand. I should've looked in here years ago.

For me, it's annoying, because I usually do this when I see that I made several comments in a row on one page in the span of a few years, or something like that. So I try deleting one to make the page less cluttered... but then, it stays there, saying "deleted comment". I get that that's not a problem for most people, but still...
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 09/12/2024 @ 22:24:08, By atom
I just did a search for 1967-1967 Oldsmobile Cutlass convertible, I was surprised that it only returned Cutlass Supremes. I used the auto fill function on my phone which adds a space. This rendered a search with only Cutlass_ i.e. Cutlass Supremes without the Cutlasses.
Is it something that can be fixed or is it something just to be vary of?

Cutlass_: 2&make=Oldsmobile&modelMatch=1&model=Cutlass+&modelInclModel=on&modelInclChassis=- on&mk=&class3=3&origin=&madein=&madefor=&role=

Cutlass: 2&make=Oldsmobile&modelMatch=1&model=Cutlass&modelInclModel=on&modelInclChassis=- on&mk=&class3=3&origin=&madein=&madefor=&role=

I think I have been fooled by similar searches in the past...
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 10/12/2024 @ 08:11:06, By antp
I could trim the text, but it was actually kept on purpose: if you want to find all the Cutlass-something and not those with just the base name.
Maybe that behaviour should be kept only for the advanced search, though.
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 10/12/2024 @ 23:42:07, By atom
Hmm, it might be a useful feature, indeed...
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 14/12/2024 @ 10:24:38, By atom
The last couple of days I've got this banner that covers most of the screen. You have to press the up arrow to remove it but when you go to another section of the forum you get it again, and again, and again...
Highly annoying.
I use Chrome on an Android phone.

Latest Edition: 14/12/2024 @ 10:26:18
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 14/12/2024 @ 11:05:01, By antp
Strange, on the forum I get only annoying banners on left & right and at the bottom :lol:
Unfortunately I can't do much on the forum, I think these are automatic Google ads.
I'll mention it to the forum owner just in case, but I guess he'll reply me it is the automatic thing from Google...
Someday maybe I should migrate the forum to something hosted on IMCDb's servers, but that is probably not so easy (as many posts of the forum would be worth keeping).

edit: now that think about it, on mobile I don't have ads on the forum because I use Firefox with an ad blocker by default, as usually ads use way to much resources on many sites :ohwell:

Latest Edition: 14/12/2024 @ 11:09:53
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 15/12/2024 @ 11:51:31, By antp
Apparently ads are not supposed to do that.
Maybe you can try to report that ad via the "x" button in the lower right corner of the ad, then you have a feedback button.
Or do that behaviour occur with all ads in mobile?
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 23/01/2025 @ 15:17:31, By Baube
got this message while logging in to the forum this morning
same applies for logout , with "out" just replacing "in"
does the same when you post something/edit too
File: login.jpg ( 24.3 KB - 44 )

Latest Edition: 23/01/2025 @ 15:21:34
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 23/01/2025 @ 15:21:57, By antp
I thought it was just just me :grin:
I'll report the issue
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 23/01/2025 @ 15:23:24, By Baube
thanks :smile:
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